
Beaver is primarily a nocturnal rodent and semi-aquatic. It belongs to the genus Castor and is currently represented by two species commonly known as North American and European Beaver. They are known for building dams, canals, and lodges. They are the second largest rodent known throughout the world. They live in colonies and make dams that are low in water and protection from predators. The population of North American beaver decreased rapidly due to excessive hunting. They are killed for their fur and glands were used as a source of medicine and perfumes. You have to do to their property natural dams in basins where they live, is known.

BeaverThey have very sharp teeth and powerful before used to cut trees to build houses as well as for food. They are known for their red flags. If fear of beaver dives quickly and hit the water with his tail off. It's nothing to be heard great distances above and below water. This behavior acts as a warning to other beaver in the interior of the water. Once alerted by the alarm, call other Beaver Dive into the water and not to go out for a while. They walk slowly on land, but are excellent swimmers and can remain effective under water for about 15 minutes.

They are herbivorous in habit and prefer to feed on the wood of birch, maple, cherry, poplar, willow and alder. You must feed the lilies sedges, pondweed and water. They do not undergo hibernation, but are known to store logs in a pile under the water and eat the bark. Some positions also hover over water and can be covered with snow in winter. The isolation of the snow prevented the surrounding water before freezing in and around the newspaper and also provides clean air to breathe for beavers. Fossil remains of beavers have been recovered from peat and other superficial deposits of Britain and continental Europe. They have hind feet and broad, scaly tail straps.

The figure below is an example of Beaver

Beaver Large Beaver Photo beaver pictures Beaver American Beaver american beaver castor canadensis beaver crush beaver detail Beaver Beaver Mountain Beaver Beaver

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