Pink dolphin are mammals one of the most fascinating and majestic sea Not only are they easy to watch, but also can be seen very intelligent and interesting. Pink dolphins of South America are in fresh water. They live in the Orinoco River in Venezuela and Atabapo, Amazonas, Brazil and Peru, and the Beni River in Bolivia and Brazil. They are also in the waters of the Rio Negro, Rio Tapajos and Rio Solimoes.

The characteristic feature of their names is their color. These mammals have a pink belly, while the dorsum is gray or light gray. Sometimes the very pink dolphin on the dorsal and ventral. Among all species of dolphins pink dolphin are considered to be very friendly. They are playful and frolic with other marine animals such as turtles and fish. They seem to enjoy human contact and tend to approach people when they are nearby.
Swimming with pink dolphin is a successful business rose in most coastal areas where these mammals live. It gives people a chance to see these intelligent creatures and swim with them. Most dolphin sanctuaries in Thailand and the Amazon basin, these experiences for curious tourists.
Swimming with pink dolphin is a successful business rose in most coastal areas where these mammals live. It gives people a chance to see these intelligent creatures and swim with them. Most dolphin sanctuaries in Thailand and the Amazon basin, these experiences for curious tourists.

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