Polar Bear

The polar bear is an example of a suitable predator. The largest land carnivores on earth, it is perfectly adapted to life on the ice cover in the Arctic. They are perfectly isolated from their double-layer coat and thick layer of fat given. Do you hear as humans, but their sense of smell is phenomenal, with the ability to sense a seal up to a mile away, even if buried in snow up to 3 feet. Your feet are lined with small bumps and their claws are shorter than other types of bears, which provides excellent traction when walking on ice.

polar bear Cub cute picsThen there is their ability to swim. When hunting from the ice cap, you better be able to swim and polar bear are excellent swimmers. Away, so it relates to swimming in open Arctic waters to 200 miles from land.

But this magnificent animal is in danger and in very real danger of extinction, research suggests that will be gone by 2050 two thirds of polar bear in the world.

The polar bear has most of its hunting in the summer and early spring, when they scour the sea ice, but to keep climate change to freezing in winter later and melts earlier in spring. The Bears have to go without food for a long time, and this has dramatic effects on body weight and condition. All this makes it harder for them to hunt and survive.

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