Red Panda

Red Panda is slightly larger than the domestic cat is a mammal and is the only tree species of the genus Ailurus. They are characterized by the presence of reddish brown fur, long tail and shaggy and shambling as the front legs are short. The main food of the animal is omnivorous bamboo, as well as eggs, fish, birds, insects and small mammals, depending on circumstances. They are alone and are active from dawn to dusk and largely sedentary during the day. They are widely distributed in temperate forests of the Himalayas, Nepal, China and distributed. In northern India, Bhutan and northern Myanmar found. One estimate of the population of these animals may be present from 2500 to 20000.

Chengdu red  panda Ariel OpheliaRed panda is considered a living fossil and is by far related to the Giant Panda. It is believed that their origin in the Tertiary about 10 million years in Eurasia. The fossils were found in China and in Britain. He lives at an altitude of 2.200 to 4.800 m live in areas of moderate temperature change. He preferred mixed deciduous and coniferous forests, especially old trees and dense under stories of bamboo. The head and body of the animal is 56-63 cm long and the tail is about 35-47 cm. Males weigh about 3.7 kg to 6.2 females and 4.2 to 6 kg. She has long, soft fur and reddish brown on the underside, brown-black fur on the underparts and face light with tear marks and robust cranial-dental features.

Red Panda is specialized for feeding in bamboo shoots and is blessed with strong curved claws, sharp and semi-retractable to keep the bamboo branches. Like the giant panda, he also distorts his thumb, which is an extension of the wrist bone. It was reported that they are nocturnal, crepuscular around, sleeping on tree branches and logs of wells and in the afternoon or evening active. He sleeps on the branches with his legs dangling when it is hot and the tail curled over his face, when it's cold. It is heat sensitive and can over the temperature range of 17-25 ° C in summer to survive, but can not tolerate temperatures above 25 ° C. After walking a short distance of the animal is known that its fur clean in the same way that the cat is, he licks his own legs to tail, belly and sides of the body.

The figure below is an example of Red Panda

Red Panda Red Panda Red Panda Red Panda Red Panda danger baby red panda red panda babies Red Panda Firefox Red Panda Red Panda Red Panda Red Panda

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